零点课堂 | Byzantine Fault Tolerance Explained(2)-零点财经

零点课堂 | Byzantine Fault Tolerance Explained(2)

Therefore, we may consider the following requirements:

  • Each general has to decide: attack or retreat (yes or no);
  • After the decision is made, it cannot be changed;
  • All generals have to agree on the same decision and execute it in a synchronized manner.

The aforementioned communication problems are related to the fact that one general is only able to communicate with another through messages, which are forwarded by a courier. Consequently, the central challenge of the Byzantine Generals’ Problem is that the messages can get somehow delayed, destroyed or lost.

In addition, even if a message is successfully delivered, one or more generals may choose (for whatever reason) to act maliciously and send a fraudulent message to confuse the other generals, leading to a total failure.

If we apply the dilemma to the context of blockchains, each general represents a network node, and the nodes need to reach consensus on the current state of the system. Putting in another way, the majority of participants within a distributed network have to agree and execute the same action in order to avoid complete failure.

Therefore, the only way to achieve consensus in these types of distributed system is by having at least ⅔ or more reliable and honest network nodes. This means that if the majority of the network decides to act maliciously, the system is susceptible to failures and attacks (such as the 51% attack).

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)

In a few words, Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is the property of a system that is able to resist the class of failures derived from the Byzantine Generals’ Problem. This means that a BFT system is able to continue operating even if some of the nodes fail or act maliciously.

There is more than one possible solution to the Byzantine Generals’ Problem and, therefore, multiple ways of building a BFT system. Likewise, there are different approaches for a blockchain to achieve Byzantine fault tolerance and this leads us to the so-called consensus algorithms.

声明:本文由 Binance撰写,零点财经收录,观点仅代表作者本人,绝不代表零点财经赞同其观点或证实其描述。

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零点课堂 | Byzantine Fault Tolerance Explained(2)

2021-03-31 10:22:03

Therefore, we may consider the following requirements:

  • Each general has to decide: attack or retreat (yes or no);
  • After the decision is made, it cannot be changed;
  • All generals have to agree on the same decision and execute it in a synchronized manner.

The aforementioned communication problems are related to the fact that one general is only able to communicate with another through messages, which are forwarded by a courier. Consequently, the central challenge of the Byzantine Generals’ Problem is that the messages can get somehow delayed, destroyed or lost.

In addition, even if a message is successfully delivered, one or more generals may choose (for whatever reason) to act maliciously and send a fraudulent message to confuse the other generals, leading to a total failure.

If we apply the dilemma to the context of blockchains, each general represents a network node, and the nodes need to reach consensus on the current state of the system. Putting in another way, the majority of participants within a distributed network have to agree and execute the same action in order to avoid complete failure.

Therefore, the only way to achieve consensus in these types of distributed system is by having at least ⅔ or more reliable and honest network nodes. This means that if the majority of the network decides to act maliciously, the system is susceptible to failures and attacks (such as the 51% attack).

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)

In a few words, Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is the property of a system that is able to resist the class of failures derived from the Byzantine Generals’ Problem. This means that a BFT system is able to continue operating even if some of the nodes fail or act maliciously.

There is more than one possible solution to the Byzantine Generals’ Problem and, therefore, multiple ways of building a BFT system. Likewise, there are different approaches for a blockchain to achieve Byzantine fault tolerance and this leads us to the so-called consensus algorithms.

声明:本文由 Binance撰写,零点财经收录,观点仅代表作者本人,绝不代表零点财经赞同其观点或证实其描述。