零点课堂 | How To Create TA Indicators on TradingView(3)-零点财经

零点课堂 | How To Create TA Indicators on TradingView(3)

A second chart gets added beneath the original. The new chart happens to represent the same data. Hover over My Script and click on the cross to remove it. Now, let’s dig into the code.

study("My Script")

This first line is just setting up our annotation. It only requires the name that you want to call the indicator ("My Script", in this case), but there are also some optional parameters we can add. One of those is overlay, which tells TradingView to place the indicator on the existing chart (instead of in a new segment). As you can see from our first example, it defaults to false. Though we won’t see it in action now, overlay=true adds the indicator to the existing chart.


This line is the instruction to plot the close price of Bitcoin. plot simply gives us a line chart, but we can also display candlesticks and bars, as we’ll see shortly.

Now, let’s try the following:

study("My Script", overlay=true)
plot(open, color=color.purple)

Once you add this, you should see a second chart (which looks like the original shifted to the right). All we’ve done is plotted the open price instead, and since the current day’s open is the previous day’s close, it makes sense that these have an identical shape.

Okay! Let’s get rid of the current annotations (remember, we do that by right-clicking and hitting Remove Indicators). Hover over Bitcoin / BUSD and click the Hide button to clear the current chart, too.Many traders prefer candlestick charts as they give us more information than a simple plot like the one we just did. Let’s add them next.

study("My Script", overlay=true)
plotcandle(open, high, low, close)

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零点课堂 | How To Create TA Indicators on TradingView(3)

2021-03-25 10:18:59

A second chart gets added beneath the original. The new chart happens to represent the same data. Hover over My Script and click on the cross to remove it. Now, let’s dig into the code.

study("My Script")

This first line is just setting up our annotation. It only requires the name that you want to call the indicator ("My Script", in this case), but there are also some optional parameters we can add. One of those is overlay, which tells TradingView to place the indicator on the existing chart (instead of in a new segment). As you can see from our first example, it defaults to false. Though we won’t see it in action now, overlay=true adds the indicator to the existing chart.


This line is the instruction to plot the close price of Bitcoin. plot simply gives us a line chart, but we can also display candlesticks and bars, as we’ll see shortly.

Now, let’s try the following:

study("My Script", overlay=true)
plot(open, color=color.purple)

Once you add this, you should see a second chart (which looks like the original shifted to the right). All we’ve done is plotted the open price instead, and since the current day’s open is the previous day’s close, it makes sense that these have an identical shape.

Okay! Let’s get rid of the current annotations (remember, we do that by right-clicking and hitting Remove Indicators). Hover over Bitcoin / BUSD and click the Hide button to clear the current chart, too.Many traders prefer candlestick charts as they give us more information than a simple plot like the one we just did. Let’s add them next.

study("My Script", overlay=true)
plotcandle(open, high, low, close)

声明:本文由 Binance撰写,零点财经收录,观点仅代表作者本人,绝不代表零点财经赞同其观点或证实其描述。